SkylerLipthay / mini-v8

A minimal embedded V8 JavaScript engine wrapper for Rust
MIT License
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MiniV8 is a minimal embedded V8 JavaScript engine wrapper for Rust.

Quick tour

extern crate mini_v8;

use mini_v8::{MiniV8, Array, Object, Function};

fn main() {
    // A `MiniV8` is a V8 context that can execute JavaScript.
    let mv8 = MiniV8::new();

    // JavaScript can be evaluated and transformed into various Rust types.
    let value: usize = mv8.eval("2 + 2").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(value, 4);
    let value: String = mv8.eval("`Two plus two is ${2 + 2}`").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(value, "Two plus two is 4".to_string());

    // JavaScript objects can be directly manipulated, without eagerly converting into Rust.
    let array: Array = mv8.eval("[123, 'abc']").unwrap();
    let element: String = array.get(1).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(element, "abc".to_string());
    array.set(0, 456).unwrap();

    // JavaScript values can be created directly, without using `mv8.eval` as above.
    let object: Object = mv8.create_object();
    let js_string = mv8.create_string("This string is owned by JavaScript!");
    object.set("someString", js_string).unwrap();

    // Rust functions can be passed into JavaScript.
    let rust_add = mv8.create_function(|inv| {
        let (a, b): (f64, f64) = inv.args.into(&inv.mv8)?;
        Ok(a + b)
    // Like any other value, these functions can be bound as properties of an object.
    // (Notice: Cloning values just creates a new reference to the value, similar to JavaScript's
    // own object referencing semantics.)
    object.set("add", rust_add.clone()).unwrap();

    // JavaScript functions can be passed into Rust.
    let js_add: Function = mv8.eval("(a, b) => a + b").unwrap();
    // Functions can be called from within Rust.
    let value: f64 =, 2)).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(value, 3.0);
    let value: f64 =, 2)).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(value, 3.0);

Other features

Related work

MiniV8 is inspired by the MiniRacer Ruby gem, which implements a minimal bridge with V8. From its README: "This [minimal design] reduces the surface area making upgrading [V8] much simpler and exhaustive testing simpler." Contrast this with the ambitious v8-rs crate, which remains unmaintained because "the maintenance burden is too high."

MiniV8 depends on the lovely rusty_v8 crate (itself part of the larger Deno project) for building and providing an FFI for V8.

This work is a companion to my own ducc crate, which provides a minimal wrapper around the Duktape JavaScript engine.


When utilizing any FFI, it's significantly easier to select a subset of the entire source library than to attempt to map one-to-one all of its constructs. This of course means sacrificing features and perhaps performance, but allows for flexibility during API design leading to more idiomatic code in the target language.

It's clear that I chose the "minimal bridge" model for MiniV8. If you're looking to take advantage of all of V8's many internal constructs then MiniV8 is not for you. If you're looking to ergonomically execute scripts with one of the fastest JavaScript engines there is from within Rust then MiniV8 might be for you.
