Skyorca / OpenGDA

(CIKM'23 resource track) Graph Domain Adaptation Benchmark for Cross-network Learning
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:star2:OpenGDA: Graph Domain Adaptation Benchmark for Cross-network Learning :star2:

:seedling: :seedling: Currently we are building this project with more models and datasets.​ ​W​e​ welcome your questions and suggestions.:seedling::seedling:

:milky_way::milky_way: Our paper has been accepted by CIKM'23 as resource paper: Boshen Shi, Yongqing Wang, Fangda Guo, Jiangli Shao, Huawei Shen, and Xueqi Cheng. 2023. OpenGDA: Graph Domain Adaptation Benchmark for Cross-network Learning. In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM ’23), Octo- ber 21–25, 2023, Birmingham, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages. :milky_way::milky_way:


What is OpenGDA?

OpenGDA is a benchmark which integrates 1) datasets for evaluating diverse cross-network learning tasks and 2) state-of-the-art graph domain adaptation models.

Why establish OpenGDA?

Currently, there mainly exist two limitations in evaluating graph domain adaptation models.

As comprehensively assessing models could enhance model practicality in real-world applications, we propose a benchmark, known as OpenGDA. It provides abundant pre-processed and unified datasets for different types of tasks (node, edge, graph). They originate from diverse scenarios, covering web information systems, urban systems and natural systems. Furthermore, it integrates state-of-the-art models with standardized and end-to-end pipelines. Overall, OpenGDA provides a user-friendly, scalable and reproducible benchmark for evaluating graph domain adaptation models.

How to use OpenGDA?

About gpu environment

We have tested under multiple environments and here we list some of them:


We mainly require pytorch as neural network framework and torch-geometric as GNN framework.

Other related packages you can find in the requirements.txt


OpenGDA framework is shown below:


OpenGDA workflow is shown below:


Node-level tasks

:fireworks:Currently we provide Airport dataset as it is relatively small, other datasets please refer to their original studies, and we will provide a copy on cloud drive asap.

:bangbang: For instructions to data resources, please refer to node-level

:sun_with_face:To run a model, like ASN, you need to change your path to \model\ASN, and run it with:

python --dataset_name airport --src_name usa --tgt_name brazil --cuda 0

For command line args, please refer to for more details.

Edge-level tasks

:bangbang: For instructions to data resources, please refer to edge-level

Graph-level tasks

:fireworks:Currently we provide LetterHigh-LetterLow dataset as it is relatively small, other datasets please refer to their original studies, and we will provide a copy on cloud drive asap.

:bangbang: For instructions to data resources, please refer to graph-level

:sun_with_face:To run a model, like GRADE, you need to change your path to \model\GRADE, and run it with:

python --dataset_name TUDataset --src_name Letter-high --tgt_name Letter-low --cuda 0

For command line args, please refer to for more details.