I typically use "+" notation when registering for services, and I've done so here, grazer+tolaria@gmail.com, but when TOs add me to tournaments, I'm added as grazer@gmail.com, aka the email address I use day to day, so I'm wondering if I can have my tolaria email changed to grazer@gmail.com to simplify life?
Reporter: jason shaw
ReporterUid: SvQBppyYLVP3AW7kpOM5e9e5Tq12
RpoerterPlayerId: 39fd6742-beed-4cb9-8ef1-2072b6e49eb3
I typically use "+" notation when registering for services, and I've done so here, grazer+tolaria@gmail.com, but when TOs add me to tournaments, I'm added as grazer@gmail.com, aka the email address I use day to day, so I'm wondering if I can have my tolaria email changed to grazer@gmail.com to simplify life?
thanks! -jason geocitiesofbrass.com