Slanfan / MTG-Tolaria

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Welcome to Tolaria

Tolaria is a remote tropical isle on Dominaria.

The remote isle of Tolaria was the site of a famous wizards' school founded by Barrin and the planeswalker Urza: the Tolarian Academy. This was where Urza perfected his skills as an artificer and began experimenting with time. His goal was to somehow travel backward in time, before Phyrexia and its god, Yawgmoth, became too strong to be opposed. He created a golem of silver, Karn, to test his time-travel theories.

One time experiment went disastrously wrong, however, and the academy was decimated. Fallout from Urza's dangerous time-travel experiments caused time storms to ravage the island. Most of its wizards and sages were killed. The fabric of time on Tolaria was shattered, with unpredictable pockets of slow-moving and fast-moving time riddling the island. The students quickly learned to navigate and eventually explore the time bubbles.

Several of them formed pockets in which Phyrexian horrors evolved much faster than the lands around it. Eventually, however, the island was somewhat healed, and the Academy was reestablished with less grandiose and less dangerous goals.

During the Phyrexian Invasion, the wizard Barrin returned to Tolaria to lay his dead daughter Hanna to rest there, only to find it under attack by Phyrexians. Overcome with fury and a lust for vengeance, Barrin cast the spell he swore he would never cast. The Obliterate spell utterly obliterated the attacking Phyrexians, the Academy, and the isle of Tolaria itself.

Barrin's actions created one of many rifts on Dominaria. The rift at Tolaria was too severe to be mended in the present day. Karn traveled back in time, to the moment before the wizard Barrin obliterated the island, countless Phyrexians, and himself. Karn was then able to enter the rift and mend it with the planeswalker spark passed on to him by Urza. In the moment after the rift was mended, Karn seemed to realize something terrible and flung himself into the Blind Eternities, the void between planes.

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