Getting ready for Uthden Troll Cup. Tried to login with my phone using FB account earlier because I didn't recall my password. It just guided me to register account page on my phone. Gave up on it for few days. Now then I went to check my password and found it, but I can't get to the page it just forces the page straight away without the option to login with my account. Using Chrome on my phone.
Reporter: Antti Turtiainen (Slotherine)
ReporterUid: 6wCudIMeeTSQqh5VTKkQSyWTrw92
RpoerterPlayerId: c9e33841-445f-4c74-9b10-34180528dfa3
Getting ready for Uthden Troll Cup. Tried to login with my phone using FB account earlier because I didn't recall my password. It just guided me to register account page on my phone. Gave up on it for few days. Now then I went to check my password and found it, but I can't get to the page it just forces the page straight away without the option to login with my account. Using Chrome on my phone.