It would be great if TO's of an event could upload the lists of someone who for some reason can't.
The X-point is very relient on it's data of the decklists and somehow some people can't/won't upload their lists.
Off course these peopel will be banned from further play, but I still would like to have the lists entered so that the data is complete.
Reporter: Louis de Nijs (Loekie Mtg)
ReporterUid: srYk7YSLE7PYFrd8Ok0s20UKsK13
RpoerterPlayerId: 2183edbf-cb76-4b52-9276-a38f34e8f435
Unfortunately, this will go against the rule about players having decks registered and letting other users register decks under other players/users account would not be a good idea!
It would be great if TO's of an event could upload the lists of someone who for some reason can't. The X-point is very relient on it's data of the decklists and somehow some people can't/won't upload their lists. Off course these peopel will be banned from further play, but I still would like to have the lists entered so that the data is complete.