Slanfan / MTG-Tolaria

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Cannot conclude standings in my event #453

Closed Slanfan closed 1 year ago

Slanfan commented 1 year ago

We played the event Premodern FNM (SNM) #6 last night.

We had some issues,

1) No one could enter their match rooms from the lobby. It didn't open any rooms. So everyone had to go via the "Matches" tab in the left banner instead.

2) We were 10 players and was just gonna play 3 rounds without playoffs. Tournament structure was Swiss, so per default it's 4 rounds. Now, that has never been an issue in Tolaria (prior events, I've just removed the last round to be able to end the event after 3 rounds). This time, when I was starting round 4, I wanted to remove that round. Instead, round 3 was completely removed. I then tried to re-activate previous round with manual pairings, but this led to a "round 4", with no "round 3" in sight. However, the round 4 was not visible at all. I then re-did it again but this just rendered an invisible "round 5". So I can't end the event, and the standings are not finalized. I would love to get this one closed out.

The standings for Round 3 was: Frank vs Gerard 2-1 Manos vs Phil 1-2 Martin vs Antti 2-1 Anton vs Flint 2-1 Chris vs Danny 1-2

Appreciate the help :)

Best, Anton

Reporter: Anton Glans
ReporterUid: M40Q7iCIMZYczIIb5iHw5NXnC7i1
RpoerterPlayerId: 299ae6bc-5411-4e13-af0f-8ae729d7ca58
Slanfan commented 1 year ago

Can't recreate the issue and it was solvable with the interface built.