Something which confuses me really, if I hover over an event, the info window pop up with an attend button the bottom BUT if I try to move the mouse there, the windows disappears, I hover over another event now and see the window for that.
I (now) know, I need to hover the mouse longer above the event so the attend button appears there. But thats confusing as hell. Please show the attend button faster or different-
Reporter: merhans (Mario M)
ReporterUid: bHcma9RdHTdFc3hNLdj8gHakX7e2
RpoerterPlayerId: 9a3c2d39-8bcf-40ae-92ee-b9f84920813b
Something which confuses me really, if I hover over an event, the info window pop up with an attend button the bottom BUT if I try to move the mouse there, the windows disappears, I hover over another event now and see the window for that. I (now) know, I need to hover the mouse longer above the event so the attend button appears there. But thats confusing as hell. Please show the attend button faster or different-