Slanfan / MTG-Tolaria

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Improvement request - Exporting Tournament Data to Excel for Stats Purposes #460

Open Slanfan opened 1 year ago

Slanfan commented 1 year ago

To streamline data collection for XPt monthlies, it would be great if standings data could be exported along with deck tabulation for in a single file.

The key data that should exist in a single row would be: 1) Card name 2) Card quantity 3) Card type 4) Tournament Name 5) Player Name 6) Player Points In Standings 7) Player OMW% 8) Player GW% 9) Player MW%

Please let me know if you have any questions - you can contact me at or find me on messenger.

best regards Joe Becica

Reporter: Joe Becica
ReporterUid: BaHtHLJEicY2rsfRmT4oSceeLKj2
RpoerterPlayerId: 0a548f9b-8dfe-4bdf-9b8f-2cbf383cd4c0