Slanfan / MTG-Tolaria

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Crosspairing Playoffs for Tournaments with groups #471

Closed Slanfan closed 1 year ago

Slanfan commented 1 year ago

Is there the possibility to add an option to do crosspairings in the playoffs? Like if you have 2 groups, pair first group1 and second group 2 for playoffs and so on? I know I can change the position in the playoffs. If there wont be an option, maybe add an Info, which position will be paired vs. each other, for people like me who cant remember^^

Reporter: merhans (Mario M)
ReporterUid: bHcma9RdHTdFc3hNLdj8gHakX7e2
RpoerterPlayerId: 9a3c2d39-8bcf-40ae-92ee-b9f84920813b