Slanfan / MTG-Tolaria

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Multiple accounts? Sign up for Summer Derby #476

Closed Slanfan closed 4 months ago

Slanfan commented 1 year ago

Hello! I am trying to sign up for the Summer Derby event. First time! Excited. I signed up via my iPhone from Discord but signed in via Google account. I then signed on my PC to try to change the profile etc. But when I sign on on my PC (same email and password) I don't see that I am signed up for the Derby event. When I sign on via my iPhone, I see that I am signed up. Did I mess something up with maybe multiple accounts? My email is Thanks for any help and appreciate the service!

Reporter: Noah Hammarlund
ReporterUid: uKIcKpOdi3RrSZn7pdktgXHoMpj2
RpoerterPlayerId: ecb3e8c2-c8a9-4685-abeb-cad2dfdfe97d