Slanfan / MTG-Tolaria

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Cannot unattend player form event #482

Closed Slanfan closed 4 months ago

Slanfan commented 1 year ago

In the event Premodern European Championship, Pasi S has accidentally made 2 users and attended the event with both. He has only paid with one user and wants us to unattend the other. I'm clicking unattend player on him, but nothing happens. Can you help me unattend the unpaid Pasi please =)

Best, Anton

Reporter: Anton Glans
ReporterUid: M40Q7iCIMZYczIIb5iHw5NXnC7i1
RpoerterPlayerId: 299ae6bc-5411-4e13-af0f-8ae729d7ca58