Slanfan / MTG-Tolaria

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Not seeing opponents availability #507

Closed Slanfan closed 6 months ago

Slanfan commented 6 months ago


I'm meant to play Nicolas Imwinkelried in one of my Winter Derby matches. He told me that he had uploaded his availability. I have aussi uploaded mine. I watched the tutorial about how to schedule matches and the issue I'm seeing is that where there should be an icon to view this opponents availability, there is no icon.

I'm hoping to sort this out and play our match.

Thank you

Reporter: Peter Soltesz
ReporterUid: XqkmAl0gRVVrUvvkKuCSWo2A1Nx1
RpoerterPlayerId: cb825cee-80f7-4806-8067-6ee9939259d1