Slanfan / MTG-Tolaria

8 stars 1 forks source link

Changed computer, now I am am not able to acces my 'old account' although I acces it now on the same email #521

Open Slanfan opened 1 month ago

Slanfan commented 1 month ago

So on my other laptop I was able to acces Tolaria through the email adress

Now on this laptop I tried to acces my account, but I didn't get in.

So now I can acces the 'new' account with the same email adress, but my games + events are not visible anymore.

Reporter: Edwin Zuidema
ReporterUid: wRVJFHeiZehTik4ewcrkKicu5z22
RpoerterPlayerId: 2857ce36-b75f-4b3b-8372-4cc0b6807d21