Sliim / soundcloud-syncer

Synchronize user's favorites tracks from soundcloud
GNU General Public License v3.0
36 stars 4 forks source link
music python soundcloud soundcloud-music-downloader

Soundcloud-syncer is a tool to synchronize soundcloud user's favorites and tracks locally.

** Requirements *** Python version

To run tests you need some packages:

** Ignoring tracks You can ignore some tracks you don't want to sync locally.

To do this create a file in OUTPUT_DIRECTORY named ~.ignore~. Each track in this file will be ignored.

It writes ID3 tag after each downloaded mp3 file. You can disable this feature with ~--without-tag~ option:

+BEGIN_SRC shell

sc-syncer -u USER_TO_SYNC -o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY --without-tag


You can re-write mp3 tag with ~sc-tagger~ tool. This tool expect a file or directory as first argument.

File's name format must be "{id}-{permalink}.mp3" to be tagged. Track ID is necessary to retrieve data from soundcloud's API.

It may be useful to update tracks downloaded with soundcloud-syncer 0.1!

** MP3 conversion You can convert non-mp3 files with --convert option. This feature requires [[][pydub]] package that depends to ffmpeg or avconv. See pydub's readme for more informations.

To convert non-mp3 files after each download:

+BEGIN_SRC shell

sc-syncer -u USER_TO_SYNC -o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY --convert


This will create a backup directory at OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/backups/ where will be placed original files before conversion, nothing is deleted. ** Features