Sllambias / yucca

Apache License 2.0
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End-to-end modular machine learning framework for classification, segmentation and unsupervised learning. Yucca is designed to be plug-and-play while still allowing for effortless customization. This allows users to employ the basic Yucca models as solid baselines, but it also allows users to change and experiment with exact features in a robust and thoroughly tested research environment. The Yucca project is inspired by Fabien Isensee's nnUNet.

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Table of Contents



Install an editable version of the project with Cuda support using Conda

Create a python=3.10 or python=3.11 environment exclusively for Yucca to avoid conflicts with other projects.

IMPORTANT: First install Pytorch for GPU following appropriate instructions from e.g. Then navigate to Yucca and install the package from there.

For an Ubuntu system with Cuda=>12.1 and python=3.11:

> git clone
> conda create -n yuccaenv python=3.11
> conda activate yuccaenv
> conda install -c anaconda setuptools
> conda install -c "nvidia/label/cuda-12.1.1" cuda-toolkit
> conda install pytorch==2.1.2 torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
> cd yucca
> pip install -e .

To use other CUDA or PyTorch versions refer to 1. for the current PyTorch installation, 2. for previous versions and 3. for the appropriate CUDA toolkit. Note that the CUDA versions used in the PyTorch and CUDA-toolkit installations should match (in the example above both use 12.1).


Install the package as a dependency in another project

If you just want to install Yucca locally on your computer, use

pip install git+

this will install the code from github, not an eventual local clone.

Weights & Biases

Weights & Biases is the main tool for experiment tracking in Yucca. It is extremely useful to understand how your models are behaving and often also why. Although it can be disabled, it is heavily encouraged to install and use it with Yucca.

Navigate to and log in or sign up for Weights and Biases. Activate the appropriate environment, install Weights and Biases and log in by following the instructions (i.e. paste the key from into the terminal).

> conda activate yuccaenv
> pip install wandb
> wandb login
wandb: Logging into (Learn how to deploy a W&B server locally:
wandb: You can find your API key in your browser here:
wandb: Paste an API key from your profile and hit enter, or press ctrl+c to quit:

Introduction to Yucca

The Yucca pipeline comprises the 4 processes illustrated in the diagram. In the first step, the user is expected to prepare the data for Yucca. In the remaining three steps, Yucca will take over regarding file management.

  1. The Task Conversion step requires that the user converts their arbitrarily structured data to the file and folder structure Yucca requires. From now on, Yucca will handle the data. Task Conversion involves moving and renaming the data along with creating a metadata file.
  2. The Preprocessing step takes the Task Converted data and preprocesses it and then subsequently saves it in its preprocessed state in the format expected by the Yucca training process.
  3. The Training step takes the preprocessed data and trains a model, and then subsequently saves it along with its checkpoints and metadata.
  4. The Inference step takes the trained model and applies it to a task-converted (but not preprocessed) test set. During inference, the unseen samples are preprocessed with the same preprocessor used in the preprocessing step. Predictions are then saved. When inference is concluded, the predictions are evaluated against the ground truth, and a .json file containing the results is saved next to the predictions.

Environment Variables

Initially, the environment variables used in Yucca must be defined. To set these, see the Environment Variables guide.

Task Conversion

Before preprocessing and training, all datasets must be converted to Yucca-compliant tasks. This is done to ensure reproducibility and eliminate data leakage. For a tutorial see the Task Conversion Guide.


Preprocessing is carried out using the yucca_preprocess command. For advanced usage see:

Basic Yucca preprocessing relies on three CLI flags:

  1. -t: The target task-converted raw data to be preprocessed.
  2. -pl: The Planner class, which is responsible for determining what we do in preprocessing and how it is done. This includes setting the normalization, resizing, resampling and transposition operations and any values associated with them. The planner class defaults to the YuccaPlanner, but it can also be any custom planner found or created in the Planner directory and its subdirectories.
  3. -pr: The Preprocessor class. The Preprocessor is a workhorse that receives an instruction manual from the Planner, which it carries out. The Preprocessor can be one of YuccaPreprocessor (default), ClassificationPreprocessor and UnsupervisedPreprocessor. The only aspect in which they differ is how they expect the ground truth to look. The YuccaPreprocessor expects to find images, the ClassificationPreprocessor expects to find .txt files with image-level classes and the UnsupervisedPreprocessor expects not to find any ground truth.

An example of preprocessing a task called Task001_Brains with the default planner and the ClassificationPreprocessor:

> yucca_preprocess -t Task001_Brains -pr ClassificationPreprocessor


Training is carried out using the yucca_train command. For advanced usage see: Before training any models, a preprocessed dataset must be prepared using the yucca_preprocessing command.

Basic Yucca training relies on five CLI flags:

  1. -t: The target preprocessed data on which the model will be trained.
  2. -d: The model dimensions. This can be either 2D or 3D (default).
  3. -m: The model architecture. This includes any model implemented in the Model directory. Including, but not limited to, U-Net, UNetR, MultiResUNet and ResNet50.
  4. -man: The Manager to use. This defaults to the YuccaManager.
  5. -pl: The Planner used to preprocess the training data. This defaults to the YuccaPlanner.

An example of training a MultiResUNet with the default Manager on a task called Task001_Brains that has been preprocessed using the default YuccaPlanner: using a 2D MultiResUnet:

> yucca_train -t Task001_Brains -m MultiResUNet -d 2D


Inference is carried out using the yucca_inference command. For advanced usage see: Prior to inference, the model must be trained using the yucca_train command, and the target dataset must be task-converted.

Basic Yucca inference relies on six CLI flags.

  1. -t: The target task-converted raw data on which to run inference.
  2. -s: The source task on which the model was trained.
  3. -d: The dimensions of the trained model.
  4. -m: The architecture of the trained model.
  5. -man: The Manager to use. This defaults to the YuccaManager.
  6. -pl: The Planner used to preprocess the training data.

An example of running inference on the test set of a task called Task001_Brains, using a 3D MultiResUnet trained on the train set of the same task:

> yucca_inference -t Task001_Brains -s Task001_Brains -m MultiResUNet

An example of running inference on the test set of a task called Task002_Lungs, using a 2D UNet trained on a task called Task001_Brains:

> yucca_inference -t Task002_NotBrains -s Task001_Brains -d 2D -m UNet


To train an ensemble of models we use the yucca_preprocess, yucca_train and yucca_inference commands. For advanced usage see: A common application of model ensembles is to train 2D models on each of the three axes of 3D data (either denoted as the X-, Y- and Z-axis or, in medical imaging, the axial, sagittal and coronal views) and then fuse their predictions in inference.

To train 3 models on the three axes of a 3D dataset called Task001_Brains prepare three preprocessed versions of the dataset using the three Planners YuccaPlannerX, YuccaPlannerY and YuccaPlannerZ:

> yucca_preprocess -t Task001_Brains -pl YuccaPlannerX
> yucca_preprocess -t Task001_Brains -pl YuccaPlannerY
> yucca_preprocess -t Task001_Brains -pl YuccaPlannerZ

Then, train three 2D models one on each version of the preprocessed dataset:

> yucca_train -t Task001_Brains -pl YuccaPlannerX -d 2D
> yucca_train -t Task001_Brains -pl YuccaPlannerY -d 2D
> yucca_train -t Task001_Brains -pl YuccaPlannerZ -d 2D

Then, run inference on the target dataset with each trained model.

> yucca_inference -t Task001_Brains -pl YuccaPlannerX -d 2D
> yucca_inference -t Task001_Brains -pl YuccaPlannerY -d 2D
> yucca_inference -t Task001_Brains -pl YuccaPlannerZ -d 2D

Finally, fuse their results and evaluate the predictions.

> yucca_ensemble --in_dirs /path/to/predictionsX /path/to/predictionsY /path/to/predictionsZ --out_dir /path/to/ensemble_predictionsXYZ

Classification models

Training classification models is carried out by:

  1. Converting your raw dataset to a Yucca compliant format with class labels in individual .txt files. See the Task Conversion guide for instructions on how to convert your datasets.
  2. Selecting a Planner that:
    1. Always preprocesses the task converted dataset using the ClassificationPreprocessor, such as the ClassificationPlanner. This preprocessor expects to find .txt files rather than image files in the label folders and it does not perform any preprocessing on the labels. Alternatively, the ClassificationPreprocessor can be selected using the -pr ClassificationPreprocessor flag in yucca_preprocess
    2. Resamples images to a fixed target size, such as the YuccaPlanner_224x224. Having a fixed image size enables training models on full images, rather than patches of images. This is often necessary in classification where we want 1 (or very few) image-level prediction.
  3. Selecting a manager that trains models on full-size images. This is any manager with the patch_based_training=False, such as the YuccaManager_NoPatches.
  4. Selecting a model architecture that supports classification. Currently that is limited to the ResNet50 but most networks can be adapted to support this with limited changes (in essence, this can be achieved by adding a Linear layer with input channels equal to the flattened output of the penultimate layer and output channels equals to the number of classes in the dataset).
  5. Running yucca_inference with the --task_type classification flag.

Segmentation models

Training segmentation models is carried out by following the standard procedure introduced in the Introduction to Yucca

Unsupervised models

Training Unsupervised models is carried out by:

  1. Converting your raw dataset to a Yucca compliant format with no label files. See the Task Conversion guide for instructions on how to convert your datasets.
  2. Selecting a Planner that always preprocesses the task converted dataset using the UnsupervisedPreprocessor, such as the UnsupervisedPlanner. This preprocessor expects to find no label files. Alternatively, the UnsupervisedPreprocessor can be selected using the -pr UnsupervisedPreprocessor flag in yucca_preprocess.

When models are trained on a dataset preprocessed with the UnsupervisedPreprocessor, Yucca will use the unsupervised preset in the YuccaAugmentationComposer. This sets (1) skip_label to True (which means we don't expect a label in the array), (2) copy_image_to_label to True, which means the image data is copied to also be the label data (the image is copied after applying normal augmentations) and finally, (3) mask_image_for_reconstruction to True, which means we randomly mask the image data (this is applied AFTER the image is copied to the label).