Sloeber / arduino-eclipse-plugin

A plugin to make programming the arduino in eclipse easy
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Sloeber does not support $ in the path #556

Closed rthomas67 closed 7 years ago

rthomas67 commented 7 years ago

Steps to reproduce on Windows 7 - 64bit.

Installed by unzipping from sloeber 3.1 tar.gz download for Windows x64 Java JRE Version is 1.8.0_45 Started by running sloeber-ide.exe, initializing a workspace, etc. (normal eclipse stuff).

MENU: File->New->New Arduino Sketch Name: my_sketch_name Opened my_sketch_name.ino to see standard empty setup() and loop() MENU: Project->Clean... SELECT: Clean all projects SELECT: Start a build immediately SELECT: Build the entire workspace CLICK: OK

Build fails.

Error Information

Eclipse "Problems" pane has 2 errors 1) Description: make: *\ [] Error1, Resource:my_sketch_name, Type: C/C++ Problem 2) Description: "recipe for target '' failed, Resource:makefile, Path: /my_sketch_name/Release, Location: line 73, Type: C/C++ Problem

generated makefile has an error on line 73 which is: @echo 'Starting archiver'

If it 's relevant, the Eclipse error log has several messages like this: !ENTRY it.baeyens.arduino.core 1 0 2016-10-25 19:36:57.567 !MESSAGE The folder C:\Users\myuserid\Arduino\hardware' does not contain any files.

Other Info

Arduino board selection: Arduino Nano & ATmega328

jantje commented 7 years ago

Can you provide the info of this error log message !ENTRY it.baeyens.arduino.core 1 0 2016-10-25 19:36:57.567

Can you provide the cdt build console output?


!MESSAGE The folder C:\Users\myuserid\Arduino\hardware' does not contain any files.

This means Sloeber did not find any hardware in this folder.

rthomas67 commented 7 years ago

Didn't notice this before, but upon taking another look at the project and the build console I observed that the first part of the path as reported in the console error message was D:/rtfile_local/... However, the actual filename (using Windows slashes) starts with D:\$rrtfile_local...

It appears that filenames/paths containing a "$" are not properly quoted or escaped in the generated makefile and it seems "$r" is being replaced by "". Guessing that's because there is no $r variable defined.

I confirmed that the "$" character was the proverbial spanner in the works by moving the workspace/project_folder out of the directory that contained the "$" and the build worked.

Here is the command, as generated into the makefile.

"C:\javaapp\eclipse_arduino_sloeber_3.1\arduinoPlugin\tools\arduino\avr-gcc\4.9.2-atmel3.5.3-arduino2/bin/avr-gcc-ar" rcs "D:/$rrtfile_local/eclipse_sloeber_ws/test_sketch/Release/" $(AR_OBJ)

Here is the line from the build console where that failed.

"C:\javaapp\eclipse_arduino_sloeber_3.1\arduinoPlugin\tools\arduino\avr-gcc\4.9.2-atmel3.5.3-arduino2/bin/avr-gcc-ar" rcs "D:/rtfile_local/eclipse_sloeber_ws/test_sketch/Release/" .\core\CDC.cpp.o .\core\HardwareSerial.cpp.o .\core\HardwareSerial0.cpp.o .\core\HardwareSerial1.cpp.o .\core\HardwareSerial2.cpp.o .\core\HardwareSerial3.cpp.o .\core\IPAddress.cpp.o .\core\PluggableUSB.cpp.o .\core\Print.cpp.o .\core\Stream.cpp.o .\core\Tone.cpp.o .\core\USBCore.cpp.o .\core\WInterrupts.c.o .\core\WMath.cpp.o .\core\WString.cpp.o .\core\abi.cpp.o .\core\hooks.c.o .\core\main.cpp.o .\core\new.cpp.o .\core\wiring.c.o .\core\wiring_analog.c.o .\core\wiring_digital.c.o .\core\wiring_pulse.S.o .\core\wiring_pulse.c.o .\core\wiring_shift.c.o c:\javaapp\eclipse_arduino_sloeber_3.1\arduinoplugin\tools\arduino\avr-gcc\4.9.2-atmel3.5.3-arduino2\bin../lib/gcc/avr/4.9.2/../../../../avr/bin/ar.exe: D:/rtfile_local/eclipse_sloeber_ws/test_sketch/Release/ No such file or directory makefile:73: recipe for target '' failed make: *\ [] Error 1

Now if I could just figure out why this toolchain is SOOOO miserably slow on Windows. "20:49:05 Build Finished (took 1m:46s.65ms)"

Same exact "empty" project finished a build in about 3 seconds on a friend's MacBook Pro. Same Windows machine handles nearly everything else as fast or faster than the Mac.

jantje commented 7 years ago

I'm not surprised $ signs in the path cause problems. The whole boards.txt and platform.txt are converted to environment variables that use $ to identify environment variables. I'm using the format ${environment variable name} but I can not instruct the environment variable tool that I use to only process this type of variable. Honestly I never considered $ in the pathname.

As to your compile speed. I think there is a local issue on that system. Compile speed is normally lots faster then the Arduino IDE.

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jantje commented 7 years ago

closing this as it is tagged as known limitation