SmallComfort / react-vue-native-scripts

react vue native scripts
22 stars 2 forks source link


Compile Vue component to React Native.


npm install --save react-vue react-vue-helper
npm install --save-dev react-vue-native-scripts


Before you should get a React Native Application

Add scripts commands in your package.json.


"scripts": {
  "compiler": "react-vue-native-scripts compiler",



npm run compiler


For react-native packager can not bundle .vue file, this scripts just compiled the file with .vue suffixed and generated a same name file with .js suffixed.

In the react native application, you can simply import your Vue components as following

import VueComponent from './VueComponent'

There should be a file named VueComponent.vue in the corresponding folder, and the compiler would be generate a file named VueComponent.js in the same directory.

In react-native packager, import VueComponent from './VueComponent' equal to import VueComponent from './VueComponent.js'.
