SmallMolecules / small-molecules

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About this Framework

This framework creates a many body particle physics simulator in C#, implemented in Unity, for educational purporses. The 3D environment will be incorperated into virtual reality to enhance the educational experience and provide interactivity.

The framework is designed to enable further expansion by developers and teachers.

To view the documentation for this framework, first follow the guide to install the framework, and open the file index.html located in the html/ folder in any web-browser. The main page has a guide for developers.

Compiling Documentation

The documentation is compiled using doxygen according to the documentation-settings file. The results are compiled into the html folder. To view it, open the index.html file in a web browser. The documentation is generated from the in-code comments and the markdown file.

To compile, install doxygen and navigate to the directory containing documentation-settings, and run the command in bash

doxygen documentation-settings

This will create/replace the html folder with a new compilation.

Testing Documentation

Here's a link to our testing document google sheet.

Installation Guide

To install this framework, first you need to install unity on your system. To do that, navigate to Unity's Downloads Page and install Unity Hub. After downloading and intsallting, create a Unity account or sign in with an existing one. From the unity hub you can download version 2020.3.16 or locate an existing install. It's from here that you can manage your installs of Unity and your projects.

Installing the Framework

To install the framework, first navigate to our github page

Small Molecules github page

and run the following git command where you want the project folder to spawn. If you do not have git installed on your system, you can download it from the git downloads page. Next clone the repository onto your system by opening a terminal at that location and typing the following git command:

git clone github.c[]()om/SmallMolecules

This will create a directory called Small Molecules which contains all the unity project files. You have now installed the framework.

Running the Simulator

To run the simulator, simply add the folder small-molecules/Particle Simulator as a project, ensuring you have the correct version of Unity installed. Then load up the folder Assets/Scenes and load the scene called Main Scene. To run, click on the play icon.

For further instruction on how to use the simulator as a user, consult user guide.pdf.