SmartBear / readyapi-swagger-assertion-plugin

Ready! API plugin providing an assertion to validate response against their definition schema
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Ready! API Swagger and JSON Schema Compliance Assertions

Adds assertions for validating response messages against a specified Swagger definition or standalone JSON Schema

Swagger Compliance Assertion

Validates that the corresponding path, method and response messages are defined in the Swagger definition - and that the response payload complies with the response model/schema (if defined). Will optionaly fail for response status codes not defined in the Swagger definition (i.e. if the API returns a 404 which hasn't been defined in the definition).

JSON Schema Assertion

Validates the response payload against the specified JSON Schema


Uses version 2.2.6 of the JSON Schema Validator library for schema validations - which currently supports most of version 3 and 4 drafts of JSON Schema - Read more...

Build info

Build with

mvn clean install assembly:single

This will create a *-dist.jar in the target folder - which you can install from the Ready! API Plugin Manager