SmartRSS / Smart-RSS

RSS extension
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I'd like to translte it into Russian fully, how do I do it? #217

Open zaboal opened 1 year ago

zakius commented 1 year ago

editing src/scripts/nls/ru.js, you'd need to compare the file with en.js to find missing keys, there's also a chance some keys have no translations at all

the UI always tries to use the text from selected language, if it fails to find it it fallbacks to English and appends * to the string, and in case somehow English text is also unavailable it prints the used key and appends ! to it

additionally there may be some places that are not supported by the translation mechanism, unfortunately due to reasons mentioned in #167 development of this extension is mostly stalled and I don't think I'll be able to put the effort to fix that, if you do I'll gladly accept your pull request though