SmartRSS / Smart-RSS

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Feed bug: some itens don't update the message view #241

Open reliant8307 opened 1 year ago

reliant8307 commented 1 year ago

The following feed is problematic with Smart-RSS:

If we read all the feed, there're some itens that get stuck in the message viewer. For example, I can read the first feed, the second, but when I jump to the third entry, the message view is stuck at the second item...

Can someone confirm it? Thanks.

zakius commented 1 year ago

Sometimes the switch is slightly delayed, but I never experienced it to get stuck completely. Unfortunately at this point I don't have the time needed to look into it anymore, it may change in the future, but I can't promise anything

reliant8307 commented 1 year ago

Ok, it happens only with this specific feed. The other feeds are perfect, so I wonder if thiis specific feed has something different to cause this.

No problem, take your time ;) Thank you!

reliant8307 commented 11 months ago

Just to register here the error I get in the log when I hit this bug:

JavaScript error: moz-extension://a5972296-9d6d-4827-b0b5-9f098f2dc79e/scripts/app/views/contentView.js, line 177: TypeError: /^.*\/(.*)\?(.*)$/.exec(...) is null
