SmartSpin2K / SmartSpin2kFlasher

Simple GUI tool to flash ESPs over USB
MIT License
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FR: Load spiffs on firmware update #14

Open doudar opened 2 years ago

doudar commented 2 years ago

As the title says, it would be nice to be able to select a spiffs.bin or have it automatically grab the one from OTAUpdates

eMadman commented 2 years ago

@MarkusSchneider - i've run into a user with limited internet access and seems to be running into issues connecting via hotspot on his phone. Do you think this an achievable feature? I'm looking into options for building/flashing it without setting up a platformio environment on the user's computer.

MarkusSchneider commented 2 years ago

Maybe the SS2k Flasher can help. Is a Python app running on windows + linux. You must connect esp32 via usb and you can flash it with the latest binary.

If SS2k is already running, you can upload binary and all files from data folder via Firmware Upload (one by one)

I don't know how to handle / extract spiffs.bin. But if I find time I can look for it :)

eMadman commented 2 years ago

Not a rush to chase this, I think. Assets for the manual uploader aren't available until it gets a wifi connection with internet access.

The user is going to take his to another location to get it onto wifi and configured initially. Looks like flashing spiffs.bin using VS Code also didn't work for me, but I may be doing something wrong... or something is being set when it gets a wifi connection that isn't included with spiffs.bin.