Elmanager is a tool for managing Elasto Mania replays and levels. Most important features include replay/level searching and viewing and a level editor.
System requirements
Windows 10/11.
Unzip Elmanager.zip
to any directory, such as C:\Elma\Elmanager
. Program settings are also saved in this directory.
Elmanager has three components: replay manager, level manager and a level editor (named SLE, "Smibu's level editor").
Replay manager
- Replay searching with many parameters
- Internal/external replays
- Finished/unfinished replays
- Singleplayer/multiplayer replays
- Replays driven in Across/Elma levels
- Replays whose time matches the specified range
- Replays driven in specified levels
- Replays with wrong level version
- Replays with a missing level file
- Replays whose filename matches the specified regular expression
- Replays whose appletakes/left volts/right volts/supervolts/turns/groundtouches match the specified ranges
- Duplicate replay search
- Duplicate filename search
- Fastest/slowest replay search (return only one replay per level)
- Replay renaming
- Replay mass renaming using pattern
- Replay list that displays properties of replays
- Filename
- Filename of level
- Time
- Whether the replay is finished/unfinished
- Multiplayer/singleplayer
- Whether the level exists for the replay
- Whether the level version is wrong
- Hover mouse cursor above a replay to show more information (appletakes, left volts, etc.)
- Replay viewer
- Watch as many players in the same level as you want simultaneously
- Choose LGR file in configuration window to play the replay with same graphics as in game
- Customizable colors for apples, killers, active/inactive player, flower, start object, driving lines, ground and sky
- Event list displaying the selected events for selected player
- Fullscreen mode
- Replay comparison
- Compare replays by apples or groundtouches
- Open level file of a replay with the default program
- Save properties of selected replays to a text file
- Merge two singleplayer replays to a multiplayer replay
Level manager
- Search levels
- File name
- Best time (single/multi)
- Number of replays
- Number of grass/ground polygons/vertices
- Nicknames in best times
- Number of (gravity up/down/left/right) apples/killers/flowers
- Delete selected times from top 10
- View replays in a level
Level editor (SLE)
- Create pipes
- Create ellipses
- Continuous topology checking
- Frame polygons
- Cut/connect polygons
- Smoothen/unsmoothen polygons
- Lock mouse horizontally or vertically
- Transform selection
- Autograss
- Quickgrass (apply autograss to all polygons)
- Undo/redo
- Grid, snap to grid
- Mirror level
- Polygon boolean operations (union, difference, intersection, symmetric difference)
- Create text with almost any system font
- Many customizable options (e.g. colors)