SmilyOrg / photofield

Experimental fast photo viewer.
MIT License
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gallery golang photos photoviewer self-hosted vue3



Experimental fast photo viewer.

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Table of Contents
  1. About
  2. Getting Started
  3. Configuration
  4. Usage
  5. Maintenance
  6. Development Setup
  7. Contributing
  8. License
  9. Acknowledgements


Zoom to logo within a 43k images

Zoom to logo within a sample of 43k images from open-images-dataset, i7-5820K 6-Core CPU, NVMe SSD

Photofield is a photo viewer built to mainly push the limits of what is possible in terms of the number of photos visible at the same time and at the speed at which they are displayed. The goal is to be as fast or faster than Google Photos on commodity hardware while displaying more photos at the same time. It is non-invasive and can be used either completely standalone or complementing other photo gallery software.



Built With

Getting Started


Make sure you create an empty data directory in the working directory and that you put some photos in a photos directory.

docker run -p 8080:8080 -v "$PWD/data:/app/data" -v "$PWD/photos:/app/photos:ro"

The cache database will be persisted to the data dir and the app should be accessible at http://localhost:8080. It should show the photos collection by default. For further configuration, create a configuration.yaml in the data dir.

docker-compose.yaml example This example binds the usual Synology Moments photo directories and assumes a certain path structure, modify to your needs graciously. It also assumes you have configured the `/photo` and `/user` directories as collections in the `configuration.yaml`. ```yaml version: '3.3' services: photofield: image: ports: - 8080:8080 volumes: - /volume1/docker/photofield/data:/app/data - /volume1/photo/:/photo:ro - /volume1/homes/ExampleUser/Drive/Moments:/exampleuser:ro ```


  1. Download and unpack a release.
  2. Run ./photofield or double-click on photofield.exe to start the server.
  3. Open http://localhost:8080, folders in the working directory will be displayed as collections. 🎉


You can configure the app via configuration.yaml.

The location of the file depends on the installation method, see Getting Started.

The following is a minimal configuration.yaml example, see defaults.yaml for all options.

  # Normal Album-type collection
  - name: Vacation Photos
      - /photo/vacation-photos

  # Timeline collection (similar to Google Photos)
  - name: My Timeline
    layout: timeline
      - /photo/myphotos
      - /exampleuser

  # Create collections from sub-directories based on their name
  - expand_subdirs: true
    expand_sort: desc
      - /photo


This section will cover some obvious uses, but also some possibly unintuitive UI quirks that exist in the current version.

App Bar

App bar explanation

Photo Viewer


Over time the cache database can grow in size due to version upgrades and so on. To shrink the database to its minimum size, you can vacuum it. Multiple vacuums in a row have no effect as the vacuum itself rewrites the database from the ground up.

While the vacuum is in progress, it will take twice the database size and may take several minutes if you have lots of photos and a low-power system.

As an example it took around 5 minutes to vacuum a 260 MiB database containing around 500k photos on a DS418play. The size after vacuuming was 61 MiB as all the leftover data from database upgrades was cleaned up.

./photofield -vacuum

# Docker
docker exec -it photofield ./photofield -vacuum

Development Setup


Scoop (Windows): scoop install busybox just exiftool watchexec


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install Go dependencies
    go get
  3. Install NPM packages
    cd ui
    npm install


Run both the API server and the UI server in separate terminals. They are set up to work with each other by default with the API server running at port 8080 and the UI server on port 3000.

just is just as defined in the prerequisites.




Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
