SmiteshP / nvim-navic

Simple winbar/statusline plugin that shows your current code context
Apache License 2.0
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when in barrel import typescript file navic errors and doesn't allow any type of actions #101

Closed sf8193 closed 1 year ago

sf8193 commented 1 year ago
  4 export * from './stuff'
  5 export * from './otherStuff'
  6 export * from './moreStuff'
  7 export * from './etc'
  8 export * from './mocks'
  9 export * from './reducers'

I get the error

Error detected while processing CursorMoved Autocommands for "<buffer=25>":
Error executing lua callback: attempt to index field 'children
' (a nil value)
stack traceback: in function 'update_context'
        ...ite/pack/packer/start/nvim-navic/lua/nvim-navic/init.lua:254: in function <...ite/pack/packer/start/nvim-navic/lua/n
Press ENTER or type command to continue

my setup

local function navic_info()
    return require("nvim-navic").get_location()

local function navic_ok()
    return require("nvim-navic").is_available()

  options = {
    theme = 'onedark',
  sections = {
    lualine_x = {{
        cond = navic_ok
  tabline = {
    lualine_a = {
      {'buffers',hide_filename_extension = true, max_length = vim.o.columns },

local navic = require("nvim-navic")
local navbuddy = require("nvim-navbuddy")
-- Use an on_attach function to only map the following keys
-- after the language server attaches to the current buffer
local on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
  -- Enable completion triggered by <c-x><c-o>
    if client.server_capabilities.documentSymbolProvider then
        navic.attach(client, bufnr)
        navbuddy.attach(client, bufnr)
 // stuff
SmiteshP commented 1 year ago

Are you on latest commit? I would guess PR #100 should have fixed this issue

sf8193 commented 1 year ago

yup that fixed it, thanks!