SmiteshP / nvim-navic

Simple winbar/statusline plugin that shows your current code context
Apache License 2.0
1.42k stars 51 forks source link

Winbar escaping not working #69

Closed aareman closed 1 year ago

aareman commented 1 year ago

Thank you for this plugin.

Winbar esaping doesn't work, but statusline does.


navic setup

local M = {}
local navic = require("nvim-navic")
local gps = require("nvim-gps")

    highlight = true,
    safe_output = true,
    icons = {
        File = ' ',
        Module = ' ',
        Namespace = ' ',
        Package = ' ',
        Class = ' ',
        Method = ' ',
        Property = ' ',
        Field = ' ',
        Constructor = ' ',
        Enum = ' ',
        Interface = ' ',
        Function = ' ',
        Variable = ' ',
        Constant = ' ',
        String = ' ',
        Number = ' ',
        Boolean = ' ',
        Array = ' ',
        Object = ' ',
        Key = ' ',
        Null = ' ',
        EnumMember = ' ',
        Struct = ' ',
        Event = ' ',
        Operator = ' ',
        TypeParameter = ' '

local function get_context()
    if navic.is_available() then
        return navic.get_location()
    elseif gps.is_available() then
        return gps.get_location()
    elseif require("nvim-treesitter").statusline(90) then
        return require("nvim-treesitter").statusline(90)
        return ''

M.get_context = get_context

I have a get_context function that tries navic, then gps, than treesitter vanilla, and then returns '' otherwise.

winbar setup

In my init.vim, I have

set winbar=%{v:lua.orgmode.statusline()}
" This DOESN'T work (that's the screenshot above)
set winbar+=%{v:lua.require'aareman.lualine'.get_context()}
" This works, but I don't know why. 
" set winbar+=%{%v:lua.require'nvim-navic'.get_location()%}
set winbar+=%= " right align
set winbar+=%m " Modified
set winbar+=\ %f " Filename
aareman commented 1 year ago

:man_facepalming: See this

- set winbar+=%{v:lua.require'aareman.lualine'.get_context()}
+ set winbar+=%{%v:lua.require'aareman.lualine'.get_context()%}