Smithsonian / ngehtsim

A repository of simulation material for the ngEHT collaboration
MIT License
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Documentation Build status Python versions Code coverage

A set of tools for generating synthetic data for the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), the next-generation Event Horizon Telescope (ngEHT), and other very long baseline interferometric arrays of radio telescopes.

Getting started

Details about installing and using ngehtsim can be found in the online documentation.

Note that ngehtsim currently only runs on Unix-based systems (e.g., macOS, Linux) due to dependency restrictions. Windows installations are thus not currently supported.

Setting up the environment

ngehtsim is only tested on Python 3.8 and higher, and it may break for earlier versions. It is recommended that you install ngehtsim using a virtual environment, e.g.:

    $ git clone
    $ python -m venv .venv
    $ source .venv/bin/activate
    (.venv) $ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
    (.venv) $ pip install ./ngehtsim

There is an optional calibration functionality that requires some additional dependencies; it can be installed using:

    (.venv) $ pip install ./ngehtsim[calib]

Checking that it works

There are a number of example scripts contained in the examples folder. You can check to make sure your ngehtsim installation is working by running one of these scripts, e.g.:

    (.venv) $ cd ./ngehtsim/examples/example_data_generation
    (.venv) $ python ./

Versioning scheme

For this repository, we attempt to adhere to the major.minor.patch Semantic Versioning numbering scheme.


See the LICENSE file for details on the licensing of this software.