Hello @Nuzhny007 and @Smorodov
I have some concern now, that I got the error when I run the option 6 train with tensorrt weights and cfg file, then I generate the weight that trained from my golf ball dataset then when I hit the inference, I got the error something like their are a mismatch show in the terminal logger like this:
OpenCL not used
ParseTrackerSettings: ...
ParseTrackerSettings: 0
Video ../../../golf_ball_and_hole_tracking/duyputt01.mp4 was started from 0 frame with 30 fps, frame size [720 x 1280] and length 309
Config Done!
File does not exist : ../data/yolov5s/yolov5s-kFLOAT-batch1.engine
Loading pre-trained weights...
Loading complete!
WARNING: The implicit batch dimension mode has been deprecated. Please create the network with NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kEXPLICIT_BATCH flag whenever possible.
layer inp_size out_size
(1) Conv 3 x 320 x 640 32 x 160 x 320
(2) Conv 32 x 160 x 320 64 x 80 x 160
(3) C3 64 x 80 x 160 64 x 80 x 160
(4) Conv 64 x 80 x 160 128 x 40 x 80
(5) C3 128 x 40 x 80 128 x 40 x 80
(6) Conv 128 x 40 x 80 256 x 20 x 40
(7) C3 256 x 20 x 40 256 x 20 x 40
(8) Conv 256 x 20 x 40 512 x 10 x 20
(9) C3 512 x 10 x 20 512 x 10 x 20
(10) SPP 512 x 10 x 20 512 x 10 x 20
(11) Conv 512 x 10 x 20 256 x 10 x 20
(12) Upsample 256 x 10 x 20 256 x 20 x 40
(13) Concat 256 x 20 x 40 512 x 20 x 40
(14) C3 512 x 20 x 40 256 x 20 x 40
(15) Conv 256 x 20 x 40 128 x 20 x 40
(16) Upsample 128 x 20 x 40 128 x 40 x 80
(17) Concat 128 x 40 x 80 256 x 40 x 80
(18) C3 256 x 40 x 80 128 x 40 x 80
(19) Conv 128 x 40 x 80 128 x 20 x 40
(20) Concat 128 x 20 x 40 256 x 20 x 40
(21) C3 256 x 20 x 40 256 x 20 x 40
(22) Conv 256 x 20 x 40 256 x 10 x 20
(23) Concat 256 x 10 x 20 512 x 10 x 20
(24) C3 512 x 10 x 20 512 x 10 x 20
MultitargetTracker: /mnt/d/Code/hole-in-one-classification/nuzhny/Multitarget-tracker/src/Detector/tensorrt_yolo/trt_utils.cpp:911: nvinfer1::ILayer* layer_conv(std::vector<nvinfer1::Weights>&, std::string, std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>, std::vector<float> >&, nvinfer1::ITensor*, nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition*, int, int, int, bool, int, bool): Assertion `size == (map_wts_[s_layer_name_ + ".weight"].size())' failed.
[1] 5385 IOT instruction ./MultitargetTracker ../../../golf_ball_and_hole_tracking/duyputt01.mp4 -e=6
I'm not sure why your network can't correctly loaded. The defaut yolov5 from ultralytics works correctly after export to weight+cfg format. Without this files I can't say anything concrete
Hello @Nuzhny007 and @Smorodov I have some concern now, that I got the error when I run the option 6 train with tensorrt weights and cfg file, then I generate the weight that trained from my golf ball dataset then when I hit the inference, I got the error something like their are a mismatch show in the terminal logger like this: