Sn0wCrack / saucybot-discord

A discord bot that fills in the gaps for art sites without proper inline embeds.
MIT License
41 stars 11 forks source link
bot discord discord-bot discord-net discord-net-bot docker embeds


A discord bot that fills in the gaps for art sites without proper inline embeds.

GitHub Workflow Status Version License Support me on Patreon Discord Server

If you would like to add this bot to your server click here and authorize it through your discord account.


[!CAUTION] Information here is outdated and is intended for v1

Production Docker (recommended)


Windows, macOS and Linux

Save the following two files to the same folder, preferably named SaucyBot:

Ensure these are saved in the same folder and are saved as docker-compose.yml amd .env respectively.

I would also recommend ensuring the full file path to these files contains no spaces.

Open .env in a text editor of your choice and adjust the values based on the meaning of these values described on this page.

Please ensure that if you do not intend to use a site in your instance of the bot that you add that site name to the DISABLED_SITES environment value.

Once the .env file has been adjusted open a terminal in the location you have saved your docker-compose.yml and .env and run the following:

docker-compose up -d

You should see output to your terminal window indicating that is downloading the required docker images and starting them.

If you are on Windows or macOS, you can check how your instance is running inside the application called Docker Desktop under the Containers link in the left-hand sidebar.

Development Docker


Clone Repository

Run the following command:

docker-compose -f up -d


NOTE: Information here is outdated and is intended for v1


Clone Repository

Run the following commands:

yarn install
yarn start


Question: There is terminology I don't understand, can you please explain it to me?

Answer: A list of terms I use relating to SaucyBot, Discord Bots or Discord itself can be found on this page

Question: Can I adjust the number of images embed by Pixiv or ArtStation?

Answer: Currently this is not supported if you are using the publicly hosted version of SaucyBot. This will be something that will hopefully be configurable in SaucyBot v2 when that is completed.

Question: Can I adjust the sites SaucyBot embeds on my server?

Answer: Currently this is not supported if you are using the publicly hosted version of SaucyBot. This will be something that will hopefully be configurable in SaucyBot v2 when that is completed.

Question: Can I have SaucyBot ignore certain channels?

Answer: This is not something SaucyBot needs to do itself and can be accomplished in Discord, you are able adjust the permissions on that channel and remove the SaucyBot groups permission to view that channel. If you have provided Administrator privileges to SaucyBot that override that value, I would highly suggest removing SaucyBot from any additional groups that provide it with escalated privileges it does not require.

