Snaipe / libcsptr

Smart pointers for the (GNU) C programming language
MIT License
1.57k stars 143 forks source link

C Smart Pointers

Build Status Coverage Status License Version

What this is

This project is an attempt to bring smart pointer constructs to the (GNU) C programming language.



With a package manager

Building from source


To compile the library, GCC 4.6+ is needed.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. run mkdir build && cd $_ && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME .. && make && make install
    from the project root for a local install, or run
    mkdir build && cd $_ && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .. && make && sudo make install for a global install.


More examples


Q. Why didn't you use C++ you moron ?
A. Because when I first started this, I was working on a C project. Also, because it's fun.

Q. Can I use this on a serious project ?
A. Yes, but as this project has not been widely used, there might be some bugs. Beware!

Q. How did you make this ?
A. Here's a link to my blog post on the matter.