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A Multithreaded Fork of Redis
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[NEW] Support Redis 7 (RDB format version 10) dumps #527

Open Niek opened 1 year ago

Niek commented 1 year ago

I get this error when trying to load a dump file generated by Redis 7:

26966:26966:M 27 Dec 2022 05:27:30.791 # Can't handle RDB format version 10
26966:26966:M 27 Dec 2022 05:27:30.791 # Fatal error loading the DB: Invalid argument. Exiting.

Is support for this planned?

air3ijai commented 1 year ago

Got the same error on local RDB load

1:1:S 27 Dec 2022 13:11:02.432 # Server initialized
1:1:S 27 Dec 2022 13:11:02.432 * <bf> RedisBloom version 2.2.18 (Git=8b6ee3b)
1:1:S 27 Dec 2022 13:11:02.432 * Module 'bf' loaded from /usr/lib/redis/modules/
1:1:S 27 Dec 2022 13:11:02.433 # Can't handle RDB format version 10
1:1:S 27 Dec 2022 13:11:02.433 # Fatal error loading the DB: Invalid argument. Exiting.

And remote replication

1:16:S 27 Dec 2022 14:07:17.626 * REPLICAOF xx.xx.xx.xx:6379 enabled (user request from 'id=953 addr= laddr= fd=22 name= age=21 idle=0 flags=N db=0 sub=0 psub=0 multi=-1 qbuf=0 qbuf-free=40954 argv-mem=26 obl=0 oll=0 omem=0 tot-mem=61490 events=r cmd=replicaof user=default redir=-1')
1:16:S 27 Dec 2022 14:07:17.939 * Connecting to MASTER xx.xx.xx.xx:6379
1:16:S 27 Dec 2022 14:07:17.940 * MASTER <-> REPLICA sync started
1:16:S 27 Dec 2022 14:07:18.945 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.
1:16:S 27 Dec 2022 14:07:18.947 * Master does not support REPLPING, sending PING instead...
1:16:S 27 Dec 2022 14:07:18.947 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.
1:16:S 27 Dec 2022 14:07:18.947 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...
1:16:S 27 Dec 2022 14:07:18.948 # non-fatal: Master doesn't understand REPLCONF uuid
1:16:S 27 Dec 2022 14:07:18.948 * Partial resynchronization not possible (no cached master)
1:16:S 27 Dec 2022 14:07:43.433 * Full resync from master: 5f9e65a03498f1a54fe3b078e2dc78e41735f3e8:1316
1:16:S 27 Dec 2022 14:07:44.338 * MASTER <-> REPLICA sync: receiving streamed RDB from master with EOF to disk
1:16:S 27 Dec 2022 14:11:57.266 * MASTER <-> REPLICA sync: Loading DB in memory
1:16:S 27 Dec 2022 14:11:57.278 # Can't handle RDB format version 10
1:16:S 27 Dec 2022 14:11:57.278 # Failed trying to load the MASTER synchronization DB from disk
doptime commented 1 year ago

I finally solved same problem by writting a new migrate python script:

air3ijai commented 1 year ago

[QUESTION] How to migrate RDB to new format supported by Redis 7? #11172

air3ijai commented 1 year ago

Redis v7 to KeyDB v6 migration using redis-rdb-cli

  1. Install redis-rdb-cli on KeyDB 6 node

    # Prerequisites
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install wget unzip openjdk-8-jre-headless
    # Redis rdb CLI
    cd /opt
  2. Update redis-rdb-cli config to downgrade the version during migration

    vi /opt/redis-rdb-cli/conf/redis-rdb-cli.conf
  3. Check for the big keys

    # Create the report with 10 biggest keys
    /opt/redis-rdb-cli/bin/rct -f mem -s redis://redis-7:6379?authPassword=password -o /data/dump.mem -l 10
    # Check the report
    head /data/dump.mem
    # If you have keys bigger than 512MB
    # by default redis-rdb-cli use 4 threads to migrate data to target.
    # Xms, Xmx at least 4*{max key size}
    # 4 * 792.1 = 3168.4m
    export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Xms4g -Xmx4g"
    # Permit big keys during import on KeyDB 6
    keydb-cli -h keydb-6 -p 6379 -a password \
      config set proto-max-bulk-len 1024mb
  4. Disable dumps during import on KeyDB 6

    keydb-cli -h keydb-6 -p 6379 -a password \
      config set save ""
  5. Migrate the data from Redis 7 to KeyDB 6

    /opt/redis-rdb-cli/bin/rmt \
      -s redis://redis-7:6379?authPassword=password \
      -m redis://keydb-6:6379?authPassword=password
    /[ 20.4GB| 80.1MB/s]
    real    4m15.967s
  6. Compare the datasets

    redis-cli -h redis-7 -p 6379 -a password \
      info keyspace
    keydb-cli -h keydb-6 -p 6379 -a password \
      info keyspace
    # Redis 7
    # Keyspace
    # KeyDB 6
    # Keyspace
  7. Change back KeyDB settings and perform a backup

    keydb-cli -h keydb-6 -p 6379 -a password \
      config set proto-max-bulk-len 512mb
    keydb-cli -h keydb-6 -p 6379 -a password \
      save 3600 1000
    keydb-cli -h keydb-6 -p 6379 -a password \

    Based on the keys number we can state that all the data was successfully migrated.

    Please also see Check migrated data consistency #40.

More information about AOF migration you can find in the Sync data between KeyDB v6 - Redis v7 #38

TomHellier commented 1 year ago

420 - existing ticket to update keydb to v7