SnickCH / InsurgencySandstormDedicatedServer

A fully customisable insurgency dedicated server (vanilla) that you can use for your coop or pvp servers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
15 stars 3 forks source link

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Insurgency Sandstorm – customisable dedicated server 🎮 🐳

This repository contains a docker image with a dedicated server for Insurgency Sandstorm (vanilla) that you can fully customise to your need for coop and PVP servers.

Key features

(*1) The container way: dont update anything inside the container. Just use the newest image. Therefore you don't have to worry about failed updates or missing libraries etc., we do the work for you.

If you have any questions or suggetions please feel free open an issue. shortened URL to the Project:

Here you can check the last update on the container (yes, the project is still maintained)

Quick Start - tl;dr

All you need to know for the quick start, read the rest another day. It's okay!

1. You need a Linux Host with docker for the docker container

For this example the Linux-user ist gameadmin and the game-root-folder is /home/gameadmin/insurgeny/
Server requirements

Install docker for your Linux OS. Example for Debian: All distros:

2. Copy the Example

Copy all files from the Example in your home folder.


3. Make the script executable

Use chmod +x on

chmod +x

4. Change permissions

You will need to adjust the Permissions

replace user and usergroup with your setup. Normaly both are just your username. If your user is "gameadmin" you use "gameadmin:gameadmin"

chown user:usergroup Game.ini Mods GameUserSettings.ini Admins.txt Mods.txt MapCycle.txt 

5. Change the values of the variables

Where to get the Tokens

in _start_survival.sh_

in _GameUserSettings.ini_ API-Key

in _Game.ini_
Password for Rcon
ListenPort for Rcon

6. make a Port Fowarding

Setup a Port Fowarding for these Ports GAMEPORT QUERRYPORT on your Router/Firewall

7. Start the Server

Type the command in the console to start the server. Troubleshooting


Where to run the Docker Container 🐳

We recommand a Linux Server eg. Ubuntu Server. Docker must be installed on this host

General Docker info and commands for beginners

To make it a bit easier for you to start with Docker, we made a few examples on how to work with the containers

Get logs from the container (example: on watchtower you can check the next run) "docker logs containername" gives you the output on what is going on inside the container named "watchtower"

docker logs watchtower

This should give you something similar to

time="2021-12-28T10:46:28Z" level=info msg="Watchtower 1.3.0\nUsing no notifications\nChecking all containers (except explicitly disabled with label)\nScheduling first run: 2021-12-29 10:00:00 +0000 UTC\nNote that the first check will be performed in 23 hours, 13 minutes, 31 seconds"

For the sandstorm server (named sandstorm) with many logs you can limit it to the last 20 lines

docker logs --tail=20 sandstorm

Stop a container named "sandstorm"

docker stop sandstorm

Delete a stopped container named "sandstorm"

docker rm sandstorm

show the status of all containers

docker ps

show the LIVE stats of all containers (CPU, Memory, Traffic,...)

docker stats

show all docker images that are localy available. Here you get the ImageID for the next command

docker images -a

Delete a specific docker image (not needed with watchtower)

docker image rm ImageID

The following parameter which is used here makes sure, the container is always started on server reboot where the container is running and also restarts the container if inside the container the gamen crashes or shutsdown


How to get the docker image

Run this command to download the image. The script we provide will download it anyway if it's not exist.

docker pull snickch/insurgencysandstormdedicatedserver


Autobuilds will run on daily base for latest. If there is a server update from Insurgency Sandstorm I will trigger the build earlier if possible.

The idea is to use this the “container way” to just replace the container instead of updating anything inside the container. Your data will be static and will be loaded in the new container (if configured correctly with the docker run command). This makes it even faster for you. You can pull the newest image and during the download your “old” container is still running. Then you can just recreate the container and that’s it. It works perfectly with watchtower. I use the watchtower image from containrrr/watchtower.

Example of my docker-compose.yml for watchtower. Make sure you use the correct "schedule" parameters. In this example it will always at 8am check for new images, download them (if available) and then restart the container. Be aware that the container will be forcibly shutdown - if players are on the server they might not find it very amazing ;)

This is a single command that starts watchtower. It will check for new images, download them (if available) and then restart all containers that have new images available. In my example this is done at 21:11:10 (9pm,11min and 10seconds) to show you how to use the schedule parameter. The schedule parameter is the only thing you should change, use the rest 1:1.

NOTE: The Image has about 3.9GB Make sure your download plan is capable of this.

docker run -d --restart=always --name watchtower --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock containrrr/watchtower --schedule="10 11 21 * * *" --cleanup --rolling-restart --include-stopped --revive-stopped

This is the docker-compose.yml file, if you like to use docker-compose instad of docker run. If you use the above command to run watchtower, you don't need this yml file. If you don't know what docker-compose is or how to use it, stick to the above command to run watchtower

version: "3" 
    image: containrrr/watchtower
    restart: always
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    command: --schedule "10 11 21 * * *" --cleanup --rolling-restart --include-stopped --revive-stopped
      - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true"

The Watchtower documentation from containrrr:

Cron Job scheduler information for your time:

The script above run at 21:11:10 every day in the whole year (9pm,11min and 10seconds).

Seconds Minutes Hours Day of month Month Day of week
10 11 21 * * *

Game realted topics

Game Tokens

You need 3 Tokens to run the Server properly and to find it in the Community Server and gain XP.



This Token comes from Steam and verify you as Insurgency Sandstorm Server
in _start_survival.sh_


This Token enables official XP gain
in _start_survival.sh_


For running custom Mods or Maps.
in _GameUserSettings.ini_


You can use these Examples for running different Game Modes.


With Rcon you can remote manage your server, change maps, ban user, etc. We recommend this tool.
ISRT on GitHub or ISRT Website Add this to your Game.ini and change the ports, add a password. Make sure that this is the same port (rcon) as in the script (variable: RCONPORT).


Demo Servers that use our images

Feel free to test it

You use our image and want your server listed here? contact us :)



Servername in Game Search

ServerHostname="[sn!ck[CH]] my first Insurgency Server"
Rulesets = ""

MaxPlayers for the Server



Here goes the API-Key and some mods (Medic Demo) requires some additional setup here.


NWI Changed it from the Engine.ini to the GameUserSettings.ini. Here goes the API-Key and some mods (Medic Demo) requires some additional setup here.


In this File you need to add the Mod-IDs from Some mods require Mutators add to the MUTATORS= in _start_survival.sh_


Enter the SteamID64 of the Steam Account you want to be in-Game Admin.


Change the Maps you wanna play here. If you add a new Map by mod, you need to enter it here as well.


File and Folder permissions

If your server doesn't start with Mods or without settings, make sure that all the files (Game.ini etc.) and the "Mods" Folder have the correct user permission. You can change the permissions with the chwon command. Make sure you replace USER and GROUP with your information.

chown USER:GROUP Game.ini Mods GameUserSettings.ini Admins.txt Mods.txt MapCycle.txt

Example how it should look, if your user is debian with the group debian

-rw-r--r-- 1 debian debian   87 Dec 13 17:10 Admins.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 debian debian 1.8K Dec 14 15:20 GameUserSettings.ini
-rw-r--r-- 1 debian debian  22K Dec 21 19:12 Game.ini
-rw-r--r-- 1 debian debian 5.5K Dec 14 17:22 MapCycle.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 debian debian   82 Dec 14 17:22 Mods.txt

How it looked when it was wrong, because I created the Admins.txt with root

-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root     87 Dec 13 17:10 Admins.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 debian debian 1.8K Dec 14 15:20 GameUserSettings.ini
-rw-r--r-- 1 debian debian  22K Dec 21 19:12 Game.ini
-rw-r--r-- 1 debian debian 5.5K Dec 14 17:22 MapCycle.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 debian debian   82 Dec 14 17:22 Mods.txt

Filesize Issue

You run out of space on your Ubuntu Server but you gave it 40GB space? Maybe there ist some bad LVM setting. This worked on my machine (20.04.3).
Ubuntu Server 18.04 LVM out of space with improper default partitioning

Generic command not found Issue

if your message looks like this, there could be an issue with the start file itself and the linebreaks in it.

gameadmin@isdsdocker:~/insurgency$ .
docker container will be stopped
Error response from daemon: No such container: isd_deathmatch
docker container will be removed
Error: No such container: isd_test2
start docker container
"docker run" requires at least 1 argument.
See 'docker run --help'.

Usage:  docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]

Run a command in a new container
--volume: command not found
--volume: command not found
--volume: command not found
--volume: command not found
--volume: command not found
--volume: command not found
: No such file or directoryndstormdedicatedserver:latest
-Rcon: command not found
-Mods: command not found
: command not found
: command not foundo=Ministry?Scenario=Scenario_Ministry_Checkpoint_Security?lighting=day
: command not foundD2594252345243527BCB34524A46

As you see below the file which doesn't work has CRLF in it.

gameadmin@isdsdocker:~/insurgency$ file ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators ASCII text

Create a new file with nano and copy the content from old one in this.

Project status

This was my first docker project. If you need more information, find a bug or mistakes in the documentation it is very appreciated if you contact me. If you need support it would be the best if you create a new thread in the steam discussion for dedicated servers and first check that it is not an general server issue (related to steamcmd or the game). If you think it is a container related issue (based on our image) feel free to contact us.


13.February 2024 - We will keep the daily update running (no changes), so you can use our image. We now even have the security scanning of our container activated on docker-hub to make sure you know what security issues could be in the image. We will no longer provide new config files examples for your server like the "Game.ini" etc. (the last one are about 2 years old), because we don't run any server anymore and we can't keep track on all the changes and the impact on the behavior (Bots etc.). The image works (no feedback that it doesn't) and the examples are a good starting point. Just to clarify the situation on this project.

06.November 2023 - changed the image to buster-slim and replaced some packages to newer ones, so we are up to date (based on an issue that was opened).

06.November 2023 - Edited the intro page. At the moment the image is 1-7 days old (not all daily build work as planned, because of some limitations).

20.June 2022 - Thank you very much "Th3irdEye" for providing a docker-compose exmaple. It's now added to the project.

04.April 2022 - n0ri added the new configuration for the GameUserSettings.ini files (NWI changed this in the background). Make sure you update your .ini files and start scripts for your servers

07.January 2022 - n0ri; Add example files, make Quick Start - tl;dr

02.January 2022 - Snick; Happy new year! We are working on a easier to read documentation and published the first version.

29.December 2021 - n0ri; Added the RCON with ISRT, Remove RCON from start script, added it to the Game.ini.

28.December 2021 - n0ri joined as a contributor. Thank you very much for updating the documentation, all the testing and for your inputs. The documentation is now cleaner and easier to get startet. Now documented watchtower run command and beginner friendly info on how to manage the container.

27.December 2021 - I made the script a bit easier (I will continue to make it easier and document a simpler version for watchtower).

19.December 2021 - Updated the docker-compose.yml for watchtower.

26.November 2021 - I added a howto for Watchtower, so the container is automatically updated. No need for any scripts and cron jobs.

23.March 2021 - Thanks to jcoker85 I corrected the path in the readme to the .ini files. Now they should be correct and can be copied 1:1 from the example.

24.July 2020 - I started on working on a baseline image for steamcmd. The testing branche (:test) is already using it. So new images can build up on this image and will reduce the build time. On the other hand verybody can now use my daily updated steamcmd image for any kind of dedicated servers. On the test branch I'm now working on optimizing the image to get less layers to improve the container space and layer usage.

20.July 2020 - The images are now created on a daily base to make sure that on new updates the image is ready (so I don't have to check it manually any more).

18.May 2020 - Mods are now supported, as long as they work on Linux. To support this, I had to add an empty folder "Mods".Make sure your mods work with Linux before you use them with this container.

15.May.2020 - The base image has been changed to debian:buster-slim When creating the image, the latest libraries are now used (no longer attached to a version)

11.May 2020 – official public release

11.May 2020 – official project created

10.May 2020 – autobuild activated

05.May 2020 – first build

Known issues

At the moment there are no known issues

Future considerations

The image works as planned. There is a lot of documentation. In my opinion there is nothing to consider at the moment. If you have inputs or issues feel free to open an issue ticket here on github.