Snorby / snorby

Ruby On Rails Application For Network Security Monitoring
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Default User WebUI Login issue #422

Closed badmuthafelker closed 7 years ago

badmuthafelker commented 8 years ago

Just finished the default setup of Snorby, and cannot login using the account. when i enter the username and password i see a "failed to successfully complete request" message them the site just sits with the message of "submitting credentials please wait". Any help would be appreciated.

Production Log: Started GET "/" for at 2016-02-29 18:58:09 -0500 Processing by PageController#dashboard as HTML Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 1ms

Started GET "/users/login" for at 2016-02-29 18:58:09 -0500 Processing by SessionsController#new as HTML Rendered users/sessions/new.html.erb within layouts/login (8.4ms) Rendered layouts/_version.html.erb (2.4ms) Completed 200 OK in 21ms (Views: 19.0ms | Models: 0.000ms) [datamapper] Setting up the "production" environment: [datamapper] Setting up :default repository: 'snorby' on mysql

frenyman commented 8 years ago

Hello, You must enter a MySQL mysql -u -p

mysql>use snorby;

verify the user

mysql> select * from users;

if the password does not work. change the password for mysql

badmuthafelker commented 8 years ago

Thanks,my issue is resolved and snorby is working great!

ydliaa commented 7 years ago

Hi badmuthafelker ; can you please tell me how you fix this problem !!! thanks

mohanravella commented 6 years ago

Hi all

We are unable to reset the password since the Change my password ( is redirecting to its default snort web page. We would like to change the link to our snort. Could you please let me know that where can I change this.

Napsty commented 6 years ago

I know this issue has been closed already but maybe someone will stumble on it again through a search engine. I recently (June 2018) installed Snorby (2.6.3) and the default login was not as I expected but Found in the Snorby database, table "users". Default password is still the same: "snorby".