Snorby / snorby

Ruby On Rails Application For Network Security Monitoring
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Impossible to install Snorby on FreeBSD 11 because of Ruby #486

Open accuraz opened 6 years ago

accuraz commented 6 years ago

It's not possible to install Snorby on FreeBSD 11 because Ruby-1.9.x was marked deprecated and is not longer be available.

It seems Snorby doesn't work with Ruby-2.x so the situation is very tricky.

Have someone a solution or some king of workaround on this Ruby version problem ?

Thanks per advance.


fhidalg0 commented 6 years ago

I guess you should be able to install it using rvm, follow this guide but instead of installing ruby 2.2 install ruby 1.9:

accuraz commented 6 years ago

Thanks @fhidalgo

I'll trying on a dev server in the next couple of hours.

I find very awful to run with an unsupported ruby release and I'm really don't understand why the Snorby project doesn't follow upstream versions for its dependencies.