Snugug / foundry-helpers

A collection of Foundry VTT helpers
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Snugug's Little Helpers

A collection of Foundry VTT helpers.

Tiered Difficulty Check

Tiered Difficulty Check is a macro for use with Monk's Active Tile Triggers and Monk's TokenBar. It allows you to request a roll from your players and then, instead of setting a single DC, you run the macro to check a range of DCs, and then take action based on the results. This macro must be imported into your world in order to use.

Screenshot of the configured macro action and tile with anchors

To set it up, start by including a Request Roll action. The only required settings for it are Continue with: All Tokens and Continue if: Always. This will ensure that the rolls are made and then get passed onto the macro.

Next, add a Run Macro action, setting it to Tiered Difficulty Check. If you don't see the macro in the dropdowns, make sure you import it from the module. Then, pass in the checks you want in Args. Each check should be space separated, with no space inside them. Check options are:

If a token matches one of these options, they'll be added to a group. Tokens that match multiple options will be placed into multiple groups. For instance, if you passed in >=18 >15 10-15 crit fumble into Args, a token that rolled a 20 on a d20 will be placed into the >=18 group, the >15 group, and the crit group, a token that had a total of an 11 will be placed into the 10-15 group, and a token that rolled a 1 on a d20 will be placed into the fumble group.

With the tokens grouped, you can now set up a Anchor actions for each group. The anchor will be named check {{option}} with {{option}} being the option, the previous arguments would create anchors check >=18, check >15, check 10-15, check crit, and check fumble.

With your anchors created, it's time to add the actions in that you'd like to happen for each anchor!

Stacked Conditions

Stacked Conditions provides you with the ability to automatically apply a condition if another has been applied, for instance adding the Incapacitated condition to a token that is Unconscious. It requires Combat Utility Belt and Dynamic Active Effects. Use this to show players all of their stacked conditions, and allows you to write a condition's active effects once and reuse it.

To set up stacked conditions, create a script macro with the following in it:

  // The condition you want to apply
  // The list of conditions that should get this condition
  .to(['Paralyzed', 'Petrified', 'Stunned', 'Unconscious']);

Each condition must match the name of a condition in Combat Utility Belt's Condition Lab. You can have multiple copies of this in your marco, each with a different condition to apply. Execute the macro to add your mappings and save them for future use.

To remove a mapping, at the bottom of your macro, write game.SnugugsLittleHelpers.removeStackedCondition('Condition') with the condition you want to remove and execute it. To reset all mappings, write game.SnugugsLittleHelpers.resetStackedConditions() and execute it, or use the Reset Stacked Conditions macro that comes with this module.

Bonus: The exports folder of this module contains cub-dnd5e-condition-map.json, a set of D&D 5e conditions pre-configured with Midi QoL effects, including an Immobile condition. There is also an Add Stacked Conditions macro that comes with this module that you can run to add mappings for Incapacitated and Immobile based on the D&D 5e rules.

Add Moulinette Sources

Add Moulinette Sources is a macro for use with Moulinette and its suite of modules. You should import this module into your world and edit the sources array as needed.

When executed, the macro adds the provided sources to Moulinette's index while ensuring there aren't duplicates with existing sources (so can be run multiple times in a row with different sources). Once run, go into Moulinette and run indexing for any of the items you've added.