So11Deo6loria / bhvBadge2023

Biohacking Village Badge Development for DEF CON 31
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Badgetastic is a synergistic exercise in awesomeness for thrill seekers. Come one come all. Making a dope AF badge for BHV @ DEF CON 31. If you don't get the reference:

Please be advised that the badge reader is solely intended for visualization purposes and should not be utilized to conduct any heart measurements intended for clinical or medical applications.


Here are the basic parts that were used during development of the badge:


Firmware Development

  1. Download the MicroPython UF2 file:
  2. Hold BOOTSEL while connecting to your computer via micro-USB cable
  3. Device will reset and then you can use Thonny but it kind of stinks. I use Visual Studio Code for proper version control / IDE.
  4. Connect to the pico given the tty interface rshell -p /dev/tty.usbmodemXXXXXX --buffer-size 512
  5. Sync your local changes (assuming you have the firmware repo pulled down locally) rsync -m . /pyboard
  6. Connect to the REPL shell repl
  7. Soft reboot the pico to run CTRL-D
  8. To exit you can press CTRL+C and to leave the repl shell you need to press CTRL+X

Hardware Development

cadlab is cool: