SoWieMarkus / TrackmaniaCOTDRestAPI

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Trackmania COTD Rest-API

IMPORTANT I am currently extending the api. This will affect the endpoints of the api. So if you plan using it, be aware that it might change soon! :)

DISCLAIMER! This is NOT an official API! Its not related to Nadeo or Trackmania.

Based on the leaderboard by pointerzio.

Please contact me, if you plan to use this API in your own projects!


IMPORTANT The zone attribute is NOT a Json-Object ^^' You ask why? ... Well I was to lazy to create a new repository to store the zones. So if you want to use the zone object make sure to deserialize it! ^^

IMPORTANT If a position is equal to 0 the player did not finish during this Cup. So he gets no points for that. Because I thought I set this value to -1, the best result attribute is set to -1, if the player never finished a cup during that time. I know thats very dirty and if I have the time I will change this.

Get the result of a cup of the day

GET /cotd/<year>/<month>/<day>

  id: 344,
  name: "Cup of the Day 2021-04-26",
  year: 2021,
  month: 4,
  day: 26,
  startTime: 1619457390,
  endTime: 1619464590,
  leaderBoardId: 1179,
  players: 2532,
  playerResult: [
      id: "cotd_player_result_2021_4_26_0",
      accountId: "fb678553-f730-442a-a035-dfc50f4a5b7b",
      displayName: "mime..",
      zone: "{"name":"Dolnośląskie","flag":"dolnoslaskie","parent":{"name":"Poland","flag":"POL","parent":{"name":"Europe","flag":"europe","parent":{"name":"World","flag":"WOR"}}}}",
      position: 1
      id: "cotd_player_result_2021_4_26_1",
      accountId: "0691c70d-c69d-46a9-a209-6600d708b4bd",
      displayName: "Wavy.Aynyx",
      zone: "{"name":"Maine-et-Loire","flag":"Maine-et-Loire","parent":{"name":"Pays-de-la-Loire","flag":"Pays-de-la-Loire","parent":{"name":"France","flag":"FRA","parent":{"name":"Europe","flag":"europe","parent":{"name":"World","flag":"WOR"}}}}}",
      position: 2

Get monthly leaderboard

GET /cotd/<year>/<month>

  id: "cotd_leaderboard_2021_4",
  year: 2021,
  month: 4,
  leaderBoardPlayers: [
      id: "2021_4_fb678553-f730-442a-a035-dfc50f4a5b7b",
      amountFirst: 1,
      amountSecond: 0,
      amountThird: 0,
      displayName: "mime..",
      accountId: "fb678553-f730-442a-a035-dfc50f4a5b7b",
      zone: "{"name":"Dolnośląskie","flag":"dolnoslaskie","parent":{"name":"Poland","flag":"POL","parent":{"name":"Europe","flag":"europe","parent":{"name":"World","flag":"WOR"}}}}",
      bestResult: 1,
      averagePosition: 1,
      position: 1,
      points: 1000

Get the global leaderboard

GET /cotd/global

  id: "global",
  year: 0,
  month: 0,
  leaderBoardPlayers: [
      id: "2021_4_fb678553-f730-442a-a035-dfc50f4a5b7b",
      amountFirst: 1,
      amountSecond: 0,
      amountThird: 0,
      displayName: "aTTax.GranaDy",
      accountId: "fb678553-f730-442a-a035-dfc50f4a5b7b",
      zone: "{"name":"Dresden","flag":"dresden","parent":{"name":"Saxony","flag":"saxony","parent":{"name":"Germany","flag":"GER","parent":{"name":"Europe","flag":"europe","parent":{"name":"World","flag":"WOR"}}}}",
      bestResult: 4, // in a row Kappa
      averagePosition: 1,
      position: 1,
      points: 1000

Get the overview of all possible months

GET /cotd/overview

  overView: [
      year: 2020,
      month: 11
      year: 2020,
      month: 12
      year: 2021,
      month: 1
      year: 2021,
      month: 2
      year: 2021,
      month: 3
      year: 2021,
      month: 4

Get results of one player

GET /cotd/summary/<year>/<month>/<accountId>


  month: 1,
  year: 2021,
  playerResults: [
      position: 24,
      year: 2021,
      month: 1,
      day: 1
      position: 2,
      year: 2021,
      month: 1,
      day: 2
      position: 1,
      year: 2021,
      month: 1,
      day: 3