CE1 (CryEngine 1)
Project aims to bring CryEngine 1 to modern systems, improve overall stability, add QoL changes while maintaining compatibility with Far Cry.
Key changes
- Using Premake5 for project files generation
- Converted code to build with Visual Studio 2022 and GCC
- Enabled C++17, removed legacy stuff
- Sandbox Editor runs on latest MFC
- Multiple buffer overflows found and fixed with ASAN
- SDL2 for handling window and input
- Code file structure cleanup
- crysound replaced with FMOD, since it's the same thing
- Bink & DivX replaced with FFMpeg
- Updated Cg to 3.1
Compatibilty changes
- CrySystem - HTTPDownloader.cpp: commented 309-310 lines
- CryNetwork - Disabled ubisoft nerwork code
Future work TODO
- Fix original bugs
- Bring multi-threading
- Optimize loading times
- Merge some bits of code from more recent CryEngine versions
- Support for importing FBX to use as static and skinned objects
- Replace FMOD 3.74 with OpenAL
- Replace nvTriStrip with meshoptimizer
- Replace nvDXT with nvtt
- Rewrite renderers and get rid of obsolete hardware support
- Remove x86 assembly code
- Remove custom data structures like TArray, list2, etc and replace with eastl or e2ds (Eq2 Engine Data Structures)
- Cross platform compiling and running
Legal notes
This project is intended for educational and non-commercial purposes only.
Based on source code published 24 june 2023.