Social-Systems-Lab / circles
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Circles Platform


Circles is a social media platform designed for participatory organizations and individuals to set up on their own servers. Often described as "Wordpress for communities," Circles empowers users to create and govern their own spaces, enabling active participation, content creation, and interaction without reliance on big tech.

Key Features

Personal Cloud: Complete ownership and control over data stored on personal hardware, ensuring privacy and eliminating subscription fees.

Decentralized Social Media: Full control over content, audience, and interactions without intermediaries.

Enhanced Messaging: End-to-end encryption for private communication, with sophisticated spam filters and organized inboxes.

Crowd-Sourced Mapping: Access a reliable, user-generated world map with community insights.

Semantic Network: Connect with the broader network of communities for matchmaking, search and recommendations.

Unified User Profile: A cohesive identity across all communities and interactions.

Personalized Recommendation Engine: Tailored content feeds powered by semantic network.


User Autonomy: Complete control over data, privacy, and content curation. Transparency: Open-source and visible operations with raw data accessibility. Decentralization: No reliance on centralized authorities, fostering an open and inclusive network. Fun and Playful: Gamification embedded into all aspects, making processes enjoyable. Responsibility: Users manage and protect their own data, sharing responsibly.

Tech Stack

Backend: Next.js, MongoDB, Minio. Front-end: Next.js, TailwindCSS, shadcn/ui. Common: Docker, Zod, TypeScript, Bun.


Circles envisions a future where social media platforms serve as catalysts for positive change, fostering genuine connections and collaborations. By prioritizing user empowerment, data sovereignty, and transparency, Circles aims to rectify the flaws of existing platforms and lead society towards a more harmonious and connected world.

Join the Circles community and be part of this transformative journey to reshape the social media landscape and create a ripple of positive change throughout society.