Sociant / Discord-Twitch-Notifier

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Discord Twitch Notifier

Discord Twitch Notifier is a mini service for creating messages on discord for new streams on twitch or changing games.


To install Twitch Notifier make sure you have nodejs installed with npm or yarn.

1. Clone the repository

Clone with HTTPS:

Clone with SSH:

2. Install dependencies with npm or yarn

Run npm install or yarn install

3. Configure the application

Fill out the contents of the given config.js file

Field Description Values Example
botToken Token for discord bot Create an application here
botCommand Command name for discord testbot
clientID Twitch Application Client ID Create an application here
refreshInterval Refresh interval for looking up streamer status in ms 1000 * 30 Every minute: 1000 * 60

4. Run Application

Open a terminal and run the command npm start or yarn start. You can use node index.js as well.

5. That's it

Now you can invite your bot to a discord and configure it. For all available commands you can use your botCommand with an exclamation as prefix. (e.g. !twitchbot)

Used Plugins


Sociant Hub is released under the Apache-2.0 License


Sociant Hub was created by l9cgv as Project for BlusWelt.