Software-Development-Mastermind / sdmm-flashcards

Web application for practicing programming interview questions
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Flashcard app

Installation Instructions

  1. Run npm i in root directory
  2. Run npm i --prefix client in root directory
  3. Install PostgreSQL on computer (if you haven't already)
  4. Create a database called sdmm_flashcards in PostgreSQL
  5. Run npx sequelize-cli db:migrate in root directory. This will set up the tables in your database.
  6. Create a copy of .env.sample and rename it .env.
  7. Run npm run dev to fire off server
  8. Open app at localhost:3001

    How to keep a branch up to date

    1. Checkout main
    2. git pull origin main
    3. Checkout your-branch-name
    4. git rebase main