SoftwareEngineeringToolDemos / ICSE-2014-PAR

PRODUCT ASSIGNMENT RECOMMENDER (PAR) is developed by developed by Dr. Jialiang Xie, Dr. Qimu Zheng, Dr. Minghui Zhou, and Dr. Audris Mockus.
0 stars 1 forks source link


How to deploy PAR

I. deploy backend

II. deploy frontend (apache server is required)



This repository is contains information related to the tool PAR developed by Dr. Jialiang Xie, Dr. Qimu Zheng, Dr. Minghui Zhou, and Dr. Audris Mockus. The tool was originally presented in this paper.

This repository is not the original repository for this tool. Here are some links to the original project:

In this repository, for PAR you will find:

This repository was constructed by Yi-Chun Chen(RimiChen) under the supervision of Emerson Murphy-Hill.

Thank for all assistances from Dr. Minghui Zhou and her colleagues. Though I had not successfully downloaded installation required data and failed to get it work, due to the limited network speed.

Some installation instruction from authors: (for those who want to get it work)

Note, you need to get two data files (info_level1 and activity_level2) from below and put them on the directory of PAR/server/data/mozilla/: Click "Bug", and:

at Level 1, click "Info Data" (info_level1, 3.1G)

at Level 2, click "Activity Data" (activity_level2, 538M)

================================================================================== This README document is created for CSC 510 Software engineering course, NCSU, 2015 fall. and by
