SohamKorgaonkar / object_avoidance_in_drones

Object avoidance in drones using any cheap sensor
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## Object Avoidance in drones using any type of sensor.

Introduction Currently Ardupilot supports only a certain types of sensors to be used for object avoidance. This project hopes to achieve the same using any type of sensor.

⚠️ The Scripts in this project are highly experimental and can lead to crash of your drone so use these with caution.


To check if everything works, connect the flight controller to mission planner. Press Ctrl+F and select proximity If obstacles are detected than everything is working fine.


This script converts the distance measured by any sensor and converts it into a distance_sensor mavlink message and sends it to the FC via the telemetry port. For more info The function sensor_data(d,o) encodes distance and orientation as mavlink message and sends them to the fc. The argument distance takes values in cm and orientation takes value as following: 0:Forward 1:Forward-Right 2:Right 3:Back-Right 4:Back 5:Back-Left 6:Left 7:Forward-Left 24:Up 25:Down For addition of more sensors, the distance can be collected and sent via the sensor_data function with the correct orientation.