Rmirror is a Linux kernel module and iptables extension that mirrors traffic over a GRE tunnel. By implementing a new iptables RMIRROR target, the traffic can easily be configured and filtered for the mirror without changing the original traffic.
Packets are then encapsulated in the GRE Tunnel and sent to a specified destination IP addess. Rmirror is similar in behavior to Cisco's ERSPAN capability but mirrors traffic throught Transparent Ethernet Bridging.
Rmirror is developed by Solana Networks. Thanks to ExtraHop for sponsoring this effort.
install the dkms and iptables-dev packages
Installs with DKMS
Linux headers for your kernel version are required
build and install addon for iptables
iptables-dev or iptables-devel (depending on linux distro) is required to compile iptables extensions
To view counters for rules:
sudo iptables -L -v
To catch all traffic coming into your system:
sudo iptables -I INPUT -j RMIRROR --target <rmirrorip>
To trim the packet to 60 Bytes:
sudo iptables -I INPUT -j RMIRROR --target <rmirrorip> --len <bytes>
To catch packets coming from a specific source IP:
sudo iptables -I INPUT -s <sourceip> -j RMIRROR --target <rmirrorip>
To catch packets outgoing to a specific IP:
sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -d <destip> -j RMIRROR --target <rmirrorip>
To catch packets coming from a specific MAC address:
sudo iptables -I INPUT -m mac --mac-source <macaddress> -j RMIRROR --target <rmirrorip>
MAC address is formatted as AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
IPs (source, dest, rmirror) are formatted as:
rmirrorip is the IP address of the system you want to send GRE encapsulated traffic to
Goal is to reduce packet size for all regular traffic, and allow an exception for GRE traffic
set the MTU for interfaces to 1400 with:
sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 1400
Add an exception for the route to the GRE destination with:
sudo ip route to <gre target IP> dev <eth dev> mtu 1492