SolarSPELL-Main / solarspell-dlms

MIT License
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This is the latest repository for the DLMS, which is one tool used to create the software loaded on a SolarSPELL. More information about SolarSPELL can be found here.


Before installation of the DLMS, make sure that Python 3.8+ and Node 10+ are installed.

Python Dependencies

To install python dependencies, run this command in the base directory.

pip install -r requirements.txt


Create a PostgreSQL database.

Env File

Duplicate env.example from the /dlms directory, change the appropriate values, and rename it .env. This step must be done before the following steps will work.

DB Migration

To initialize the database with the proper schema, you must run the folliwng command in the base directory.

python migrate

Starting the Server

To start the server, you must run the following command in the base directory.

python runserver


To setup the NPM environment, you must run npm install in the frontend directory and then add the node_modules bin to your path.

cd frontend
npm install
add the node_modules/.bin/ to PATH Environment Variable - Required.

Build Frontend

There are three build scripts depending on your environment. You may have to try them all to see which one works for you.


npm run-script build


npm run-script build-bash


npm run-script winbuild