Solid-Energy-Systems / NewareNDA

Python module and command line tool for reading and converting Neware nda and ndax battery cycling data files.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
15 stars 8 forks source link

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© 2022-2024 Copyright SES AI
Author: Daniel Cogswell

Python module and command line tool for reading and converting Neware nda and ndax battery cycling files. Auxiliary temperature fields are currently supported in both formats.


To install the latest version from the PyPi package repository:

pip install --upgrade NewareNDA

To install the development branch directly from Github:

pip install git+

To install from source, clone this repository and run:

cd NewareNDA
pip install .


import NewareNDA
df ='filename.nda')


Additional test information including active mass, remarks, and BTS versions is returned via logging. The following command will print this logging information to the terminal:

import logging

Command-line interface:

usage: NewareNDA-cli [-h]
                     [-f {csv,excel,feather,hdf,json,parquet,pickle,stata}]
                     [-s] [-v]
                     [-c {chg,dchg,auto}]
                     in_file out_file

Script for converting Neware NDA files to other file formats. The default
output format is csv. Other formats may require installing additional

positional arguments:
  in_file               input file
  out_file              output file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f {csv,excel,feather,hdf,json,parquet,pickle,stata}, --format {csv,excel,feather,hdf,json,parquet,pickle,stata}
  -s, --software_cycle_number
                        Generate the cycle number field to match old versions
                        of BTSDA.
  -v, --version         show version
                        Set the logging level for NewareNDA
  -c {chg,dchg,auto}, --cycle_mode {chg,dchg,auto}
                        Selects how the cycle is incremented.


If you encounter a key error, it is often the case that your file has a hardware setting that we have not seen before. Usually it is a quick fix that requires comparing output from BTSDA with values extracted by NewareNDA. Please start a new Github Issue and we will help debug.