SolidLabResearch / Challenges

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Protocol for Usage Control Policies in Solid with defaults #117

Open woutslabbinck opened 1 year ago

woutslabbinck commented 1 year ago


In the publishing world, resources become open source (i.e. fully public for everyone to see) after a couple of months. The resource owner and publisher of that resource, however, may on request still give manual access to people. E.g. a peer who wants to use the resource for research or a peer who paid for early access so access is granted under that condition.

A solution that allows for default Usage Control Policies (UCPs) while also endorsing manual interventions for specific resources would make such a use case possible.

Desired Solution

A protocol that defines how default UCPs can be applied for a set of resources (e.g. a container or Solid pod) that interoperates with people adding UCPs to specific resources in that set accompanied by a Proof of Concept that implements this protocol.

Acceptance criteria



pheyvaer commented 1 year ago

Challenges are meant for technical challenges and their corresponding solutions. Finding a protocol is not a technical challenge in that sense, as in it's not a implementation. A (draft) protocol can be input for this challenge, but it cannot be the output of this challenge.