SolidLabResearch / Challenges

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RML solid target #126

Open elsdvlee opened 10 months ago

elsdvlee commented 10 months ago


A company has data in heterogeneous source formats and want to share this data as RDF using a Solid pod. An RML mapping describes how to transform the data to RDF. An RML mapping engine executes this transformation. The output of the RML mapping process is a file with RDF data. Additional configurations and scripts / actions are needed to put this data as a resource and the desired acl on a Solid pod.

Desired solution

The end-goal is to very easily set-up an optimal RDF data sharing service that (i) automatically transforms existing datasources into RDF using RML, (ii) publishes them compliant to the Solid protocols, and (iii) keeps all configuration within a single document.

Acceptance criteria

RMLMapper generates RDF data and publishes it on a Solid pod, including acl, based on the descriptions in an RML mapping file.

