SolidLabResearch / Challenges

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SDK with server mocking #29

Open jeswr opened 2 years ago

jeswr commented 2 years ago


When developers create apps - they don't want the additional overhead of 1) Dealing with network problems, or changes to experimental servers while they are developing 2) Having to go through the login step every time they want to re-load their app for testing

Desired solution

Something similar to the create-react-app experience in that I can

1) Run npx create-solid-app and have as part of that a /mock-serverdata folder where I can place details of any users that are to be used in testing (including perhaps a couple of users by default). 2) The npm run start command to simultaneously launch the app (e.g. in localhost:3000) and the server that it is connected to (localhost:3001). Furthermore, I would expect that when you run npm run start it does not include the login flow, and instead takes you directly to being logged in under a default user, and for this to only be included when you run npm run start:prod

Additional possible features:

Acceptance criteria






pheyvaer commented 2 years ago

@jeswr Can you make the necessary changes? We want to have a clear challenges within 30 days after they have been created to keep things moving.

pheyvaer commented 1 year ago

@jeswr Did you have the chance to look into making the necessary changes?